Edgesetter Marketing Services

We Love being creative, you love results

About Us


Social Media Strategy

Anyone can put a page up on any Social Media platform, but if you have no plan it’s kinda like throwing mud against a wall to see what sticks. Edgesetter can ensure you have a sound Social Media Strategy to show results and maximize R.O.I. 


Social Media Management

If you know that Social Media is important but just can’t imagine when you’re going to find the time to do it properly, Edgesetter has a range of tiered Social Media Management packages available. We can do it for you AND we’ll do it right!


Social Media Training

If you love to learn then Edgesetter can “show you how to fish” in the big Social Media pond. We can provide Social Media Training and Consulting one-on-one so that you learn as much as you’d like to confidently manage your marketing.

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Contact Us

Better yet, see us in person!

We work with clients through out the US and Canada. Based in Houston, Texas, we are happy to meet locally or we can travel to your location. 

Edgesetter Marketing Services

(817) 933-9554


Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm

Saturday: By appointment

Sunday: Closed